Overview of all use cases
We offer stationary and autonomous, mobile robotic measuring systems (AMR) for product quality testing and functional assurance. The required test functions can be selected from the RobFlow® library, and the test process is intuitively programmed using drag & drop in a graphical flow chart structure. Alternatively, test processes can be generated, simulated and optimized using CAD data in the RobSimulation software. For direct start-up, they can be transferred to the real robotic measuring. The robotic measuring, with selectable measurement sensors, measures, analyses and evaluates them and documents the quality parameters for product approvals.

Overview of all industries

Battenberg Robotic Measuring has been testing vehicle components in research, development, production and end-of-line assessments for over 40 years. The results are used for cause-effect analysis and quality improvement. The areas of application are determined by the requirements of the specifications, the test tasks and environmental conditions.


In order to meet quality and functionality standards, medical devices are subject to strict conformity assessments. The Battenberg Robotic Measuring is used to validate functional tests.

The determination of functional haptic and optical reviews of lifestyle products by physical measurement variables is the task of Battenberg Robotic Measuring.
Reference customers